
Automated Laundry Monitoring

Source: UniTech Services Group (formerly INS Corp.), a wholly owned subsidiary of UniFirst
UniTech has developed an automated laundry monitor (ALM) for every monitoring need
UniTech has developed an automated laundry monitor (ALM) for every monitoring need. To meet our customers' demanding requirements, our ALMs have been engineered to ensure dependability while maximizing monitoring sensitivity. All systems utilize both upper and lower banks of gas-flow detectors and synchronized wire mesh conveyors that minimize detector-to-garment distance, resulting in optimum counting geometry.


The ALM 100 uses 100 detectors arranged in two rows with the back row of detectors offset 50% from the front row. The small offset probe arrangement results in effective hot particle detection while minimizing false over-rejection. It is used for monitoring large items such as coveralls and hoods.

    The ALM 275 uses 275 detectors, ideal for monitoring small items that fit entirely under the probe area. This results in optimum counting geometry and efficiency. Typical usage includes rubber gloves and shoes.

    Our newest ALM is the ABALM-100/600 (Alpha/Beta Monitor) The ABALM uses 100 beta detectors and 600 sq. cm. alpha detectors in a double offset probe arrangement. This ensures there are no dead zones across the entire monitoring bed width. Each detector has its own on-board amplifier to assure maximum efficiency. PC-based counting instrumentation simplifies operation and allows higher inspection rates for any required monitoring sensitivity. The general-purpose monitor is used when alpha contamination is present. A beta-only version is also available.

    The LAM 410 uses 410 detectors in an offset probe arrangement. Digital instrumentation with individually amplified detector signals allow for monitoring to very low levels of activity, i.e. free release criteria. Typical usage includes personal items, inneralls, and radwaste segregation.

    UniTech Services Group (formerly INS Corp.), a wholly owned subsidiary of UniFirst, 295 Parker Street, P.O. Box 51957, Springfield, MA 01151. Tel: 413-543-6911; Fax: 413-543-6989.