
Video Camera

Source: Vicon Motion Systems
The M-Series camera (MCam) for optical motion capture is designed to capture four times the resolution of existing
The M-Series camera (MCam) for optical motion capture is designed to capture four times the resolution of existing camera technology used in motion capture, and at 1,000,000 pixels, it is high resolution and fast. This 120Hz progressive scan camera achieves 1,000 x 1,000-pixel resolution. The new technology captures the subtleties of human and non-human motion. Features of the camera include:

•Accurate capture of markers for both facial and full body is achieved due to increased resolution
•It can see deep through a capture volume, thereby increasing the active area for performance
•VGA out from each camera allows the user to position the camera remotely using a handheld monitor
•New high output strobe design further extends the range
•Software controlled intensity helps ensure optimized performance for large and small volume capture

Vicon Motion Systems, 15455 Red Hill Ave., Suite C, Tustin, CA 92680. Tel: 714-259-1232; Fax: 714-259-1509.