
FDA Compliance

Source: J. B. Ruck & Associates, Ltd.
Facility compliance audits are available for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards
J. B. Ruck & Associates, Ltd.mpliance audits are available for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) standards. The service includes a physical plant audit as well as examination of all records, reports and training previously documented in-house for the FDA. If necessary, the service will also audit all product registrations and labels currently on file. Training programs for technical, production, and quality assurance personnel are conducted periodically, and all include aspects of required Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) training. The company also prepares all labeling, product registrations and sub-registrations covered under the Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (FCA). Permits are obtained when required.

<%=company%>, 915 Montgomery Ave., Royal Plaza, Suite 201, Narbeth, PA 19072 Phone: 800-617-3220 Fax: 610-617-4142