News | July 27, 2009

Quest Technologies Introduces Reverberation Option For SoundPro SE And DL 1/1 & 1/3 Models

Source: 3M Detection Solutions

Click Here To Download:
Datasheet: SoundPro SE & DL Series With REVERB Option

Oconomowoc, WI - Quest Technologies, a 3M company, is pleased to introduce the Reverberation Option for the for the SoundPro SE and DL 1/1 and 1/3 Models of advanced sound level meters. Reverberation time, or RT60, is used to measure sound decay and evaluate the acoustical comfort within a specific space. This new option for the SoundPro SE and DL 1/1 and 1/3 further enhances the units' already advanced functionality, while measuring in accordance with IEC 61260, ANSI S1.4 and conforming to ISO 3382.

The Reverberation Option offers the ability to choose interrupted or impulse noise excitation to measure reverberation time. The instrument's easy-to-use features combined with the automatic measurement parameter selection allow for efficient and accurate results. The octave band or third-octave band RT60 measurements are displayed in a tabular, decay, or bar chart view on the SoundPro's large LCD screen for the current as well as session (average) measurements. Spatial averaging can be performed through either ensemble or measurement averaging.

This measurement option is ideal for those testing acoustical comfort in factories, transportation terminals, auditoriums, classrooms, gymnasiums, and other large enclosures. Performing measurements can be done by those with varying levels of expertise, through automatic parameter selection, or manual selection for more advanced users. As with many of our instruments, the SoundPro SE and DL 1/1 and 1/3 with Reverberation is compatible with QuestSuite™ Professional II software for in depth analysis of data with charting, graphing and report printing.

Click Here To Download:
Datasheet: SoundPro SE & DL Series With REVERB Option