Battery Powered Respirator
Source: Neoterik Health Technologies Inc.
TF3 battery powered respirators provide HEPA, chemical and cartridge filtration with full facepiece
Neoterik Health Technologies Inc. powered respirators provide HEPA, chemical and cartridge filtration with full facepiece, half mask, hoods, helmets or loose fitting faceshields. All respirators include an electric blower module with a locking DIN-connector, a three-headed adapter for a set of filters and a breathing tube. They also have a standard rechargeable eight hour battery pack with a DIN-connector and automatic resetting internal fuse, and a reinforced belt with quick disconnect. In addition, fit testing is not required with hood version.
<%=company%>, 401 Main Street, P.O. Box 128, Woodsboro, MD 21798 Phone: (301) 845-2777 Fax: (301) 845-2213
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