
Chemical Hazard Resource

Source: CCOHS
The CHEMpendium CD-ROM is a comprehensive resource of chemical hazard information for workplaces and the
The CHEMpendium CD-ROM is a comprehensive resource of chemical hazard information for workplaces and the environment, covering transport of hazardous materials; descriptions of chemical toxicity; fact sheets on the hazards and safe use of industrial chemicals and environmental contaminants; pesticide label text; plus much more including:

•Workplace Safety
•Regulatory Compliance
•WHMIS & Right-to-Know
•Canada's DSL/NDSL Lists
•Emergency Response
•Pesticide Data Sheets

This CD-ROM is updated quarterly, and is available on an annual subscription basis. It can be used on IBM-compatible running DOS and/or Windows, or on Apple Macintoshes. It is available on a 30 day free trial.

CCOHS, 250 Main St. E, Hamilton, ON L8N 1H6. Tel: 905-572-2981; Fax: 905-572-2206.