
Classic Management System

Source: Online-MSDS™ (Kelleher, Helmrich and Associates, Inc.(KHA))
Online-MSDS Classic Management System allows you to replace your paper MSDSs with electronic management
Online-MSDS Classic Management System allows you to replace your paper MSDSs with electronic management, streamlining your MSDS management process. Our classic system resides on a single computer or local area network and provides all the functionality you need to manage MSDSs at your site.

User Friendly GUI
Online-MSDS is designed around the user. The administrator and the employees' screens are designed specifically for them. With our online screen help and hints and the intuitive design, fewer than 10 percent of our new customers require training.

Easy to use Query
Online-MSDS allows you to perform complex searches with a simple to use interface. Your employees may search on different fields such as Trade Name, Synonyms, Manufacturer, Location, CAS number, your own inventory number, and more. Online-MSDS also allows wildcard searches on multiple fields. Chemical database

Online-MSDS™ (Kelleher, Helmrich and Associates, Inc.(KHA)), 219 Russell St., East Annex, 2nd Floor, Suite A, Hammond, IN 46320. Tel: 800-274-4995; Fax: 219-852-2384.