Confined Space "Competent" Person
Course Topics:
Confined Space Hazard Identification
Air Monitoring
Basic Ventilation
Who Should Attend:
Any supervisor who will be assigned to confined space job sites and those individuals who need to become familiar with MI/OSHA Confined Space Entry Requirements.
OSHA COURSE #510 (30 hours) Occupational Safety and Health Standards for the Construction Industry
Construction Professionals at every level will benefit from this comprehensive introductory course, as they apply OSHA policies, standards and procedures to construction safety and health. Special emphasis is placed on those areas that are most hazardous, using OSHA standards as a guide. Participants have an opportunity to:
Recognize construction processes, materials and equipment.
Specify OSHA standards in 29 CFR 1926.
Identify common construction hazards, and recommend abatement techniques.
OSH Act, OSHA, and OSHA Standards, Confined Space Entry, Record-keepingHazard Communication, Personal Protective Equipment, Fire Protection and Prevention, Motor Vehicles, Construction Tools, Welding, Electrical, Scaffolds Ladders, Cranes, Walking and Working Surfaces, Trenching, Concrete, Steel Erection, Underground Construction, Demolition.
None. This course is a prerequisite for OSHA Courses #500 and #502.
Upon Course Completion:
Receive an OSHA construction safety and health 30-hour course completion card.
<%=company%>, 310 W. Washington St., Suite 205 Marquette, MI 49855, Tel: 906-228-9109