CSI-2000 Confined Space System
Source: FASTPRO International
The CSI-2000 Confined Space System was designed specifically for the comfort and safety of Confined Space entrants
The CSI-2000 Confined Space System was designed specifically for the comfort and safety of Confined Space entrants. The system is Intrinsically Safe. Approved for use in hazardous and explosive atmospheres. The basic system can handle up to three entrants plus the safety attendant. Each of four channels has its own volume control for individual user control. Powered by 4.5 VDC, the system is continually monitored by a low power LED warning circuit that activates 12 hours before requiring battery replacement. The signal cable allows clear communication over a distance of 1,500 feet. Extremely rugged, all enclosures are compression molded fiberglass with stainless steel fittings. The CSI-2000 allows full compliance with OSHA 1910.146 Final Rule.
FASTPRO International, 2701 South Midwest Drive, Kansas City, KS 66111. Tel: 913-441-8694; Fax: 913-441-6332.
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