
Employee Reward System

Source: The Bill Sims Company, Inc.
This system consists of a QuickPen and a WOW! Achievement
The Bill Sims Company, Inc. consists of a QuickPen and a WOW! Achievement Card, which can be part of an employee's ID Badge. A manager or Safety Committee member can scan the card with their pen every time they observe a safe act. This records the employee ID number, the type of achievement (i.e. safety, teamwork, and customer service) and awards the employee electronic star points, which are good for gifts from an award catalog. The data is uplinked to a central database every two weeks so that upper management can monitor and recognize employees.

Request for safety incentive program video

<%=company%>, PO Box 21008, Columbia, SC 29221. Tel: 800-690-1860; Fax: 803-407-8665