
Ergonomics Compliance Posters

Source: Clement Communications, Inc.
Over 600,000 Employees Will Miss Work Because of Ergonomic-Related Injuries
Over 600,000 Employees Will Miss Work Because of Ergonomic-Related Injuries…

How Many Will Be Your Employees?

With or without OSHA-sponsored regulations, the fact is that ergonomics will continue to be the focus of companies dedicated to reducing absenteeism, low productivity and worker comp claims.
How important is it?

Now there's a poster program that can help you avoid the injuries… so that you can avoid the heavy toll that ergonomic-related injuries can have on your company.

There called Ergonomics Compliance™ Posters and they're an effective way to help raise awareness and train your people to avoid ergonomic-related injuries, possibly saving you thousands of dollars down the road.

Every week a new poster will deliver a message targeting the key ergonomic offenders. Heavy lifting … carpal tunnel syndrome … workstation tips… wearing the proper PPE … it's all covered and it's all guaranteed to help you remind each and every employee to think about how they can take proactive steps to avoid injury .

Ergonomics Compliance Posters are an effective way to show OSHA that you are serious about ergonomics.

And the best part is that you can try Ergonomics Compliance Posters in your company for the first 4 weeks, absolutely free

Each week Ergonomics Compliance Posters cover a new, relevant topic such as:

  • Pushing vs. Pulling  
  • Correct Tool Use  
  • Back Safety
  • Computer-related Tips  
  • Contact Stress  
  • PPE Reminders
  • Ergonomics At-Home  
  • Grip Maintenance  
  • Acclimitization
  • Workstation Tips 
  • Correct Posture 
  • Eye Strain

Clement Communications, Inc., 10 La Crue Ave, Concordville, PA 19331. Tel: 610-459-1700; Fax: 800-459-1933.