
Lead Inspections and Management

Source: Occu-Tec, Inc.
OCCU-TEC offers full-service lead consulting to assist companies with lead compliance
Occu-Tec, Inc.fers full-service lead consulting to assist companies with lead compliance. To minimize contamination, trained OCCU-TEC inspectors use an LPA-1 Lead Paint XRF Analyzer, an instrument that tests quantities of lead in paint on various substrates. This technology makes it possible to test for lead without taking a destructive sample of the material in question and downloads test results directly to a PC, which drastically reduces report time. In addition, OCCU-TEC can also provide exposure assessments by taking air samples as prescribed by OSHA.

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<%=company%>, 6700 Corporate Drive, Suite 130, Kansas City, MO 64120. Tel: 816-231-5580; Fax: 816-231-5641.