
Mercury Magnet Powder

Source: OMNI/Ajax
Mercury Magnet powder is the remedy for the fumes released by spills Of Mercury metal.
Mercury Magnet powder is the remedy for the fumes released by spills Of Mercury metal. Concentrations of mercury vapor greater than 0.1 mg/m3, are prohibited by law.Concentrations of up to 20 mg/m3, can go unoticed for long periods of time, creating a serious hazard to health. O.S.H.A. inspections of laboratories and other areas where mercury is used often check for free mercury vapor concentration. For safety sake,clean up all mercury spills immediately with MERCURY MAGNET. turns liquid mercury into a solid non vaporizing form. This is E.P.A. Best Available Technology for treating mercury spills. This solidified amalgam can be easily picked up using a common magnet. The only true way of dealing with this dangerous neurotoxin is the formation of the mercury bearing waste into a stable amalgam. Using straight zinc powder with a mild reagent can possible risk a fire or explosion. Polymer fibers are plastics that do not chemically change the waste.

Only MERCURY MAGNET forms the material into a stable, non vaporizing form for easy cleanup and disposal with its magnetic properties. MERCURY MAGNET is available in a 350 g. bottle, a 700 g. bottle, a 3000 g. bottle, or bulk powder.

OMNI/Ajax, 3 Cemetery Road, P.O. Box 161, Great Meadows, NJ 07838-0161. Tel: 908-637-4315; Fax: 908-637-8455.