Operating Excellence
INTRODUCTION There is an on-going concern within the utility industries' system operation management over the possibility of operational errors that can occur. This concern also extends to the attitudes and behaviors that can lead to this type of incident. The nature of this extremely responsible and demanding position calls for an individual that is highly trained, capable, and aware. They must be able to think in a multi-dimensional manner, yet also be able to focus and respond quickly to all situations and circumstances effectively, make proper decisions, as well as, function well under pressure.
Because of the strategic role of system control personnel, the importance of teamwork cannot be underestimated. Working independently does not contribute to the maximum effectiveness possible. Personnel must be able to understand the value and consequences of behaving as a team member to communicate, cooperate, and support each other in both routine and emergency situations.
The intent of this program is to provide the awareness and skills that will enhance each person's ability to eliminate all operational errors. We will expand their ability to work together to produce the kinds of results that will insure their success and carry out the mission of the System Operation Department.
The purpose of the Energy Control Center Operating Excellence program is to increase the participants' awareness of and proficiency in specific individual self-management, interpersonal, and organization skills. The development of these abilities will enable them to work more effectively as a team. In doing so, they will expand their individual and collective capacity to manage and support themselves and each other in carrying out their job responsibilities and in producing excellent results. This will enable them to prevent operational errors and the possibility of accidents, injuries, and related incidents.
The workshop methodology is based on an experiential approach to learning. Participants discover new skills and techniques through a combination of lecture materials, individual and group exercises, role plays and small and large group discussions. Supportive workbooks, handout materials, and visual aids will be provided to support the learning process. This method is highly effective for translating new skills from the training courses into the work place.
For the Participants to:
- Experience a shared vision and purpose for themselves and their co-workers that is aligned with the purpose of the department.
- Discover the elements of an effective control center team.
- Learn the skills necessary to dissolve barriers to teamwork.
- Develop an increased sensitivity to other's points'-of-view.
- Understand the technology of effective communication.
- Know how to make effective requests.
- Learn the principles of committed speaking and listening.
- Learn how to eliminate misinterpretations and insure communications are understood.
- Learn how to communicate in a non-defensive and non-judgmental manner.
- Enhance personal ability to be supportive and cooperative with others.
- Learn to resolve problems and conflicts quickly.
- Learn principles of effective decision making.
- Discover skills for constructive assertiveness.
- Understand the human mechanisms that contribute to errors, accidents, and injuries.
- Increase their ability to respond to each situation effectively.
- Learn how to increase their ability to concentrate and increase attention span.
- Learn practical self-management skills and techniques to easily relieve work place pressure and stress.
- Learn effective time and desk top management skills. (Organizing work areas and managing paperwork flow).
- Learn how to minimize distractions and control and manage work cycles.
- Learn how to set up a time management system to manage daily priorities.
The Topf Organization, 3000 Valley Forge Circle, Suite G-15, King of Prussia, PA 19406. Tel: 610-783-1776; Fax: 610-783-1775.