
Permanone Tick and Mosquito Repellent

Source: ARI
Permanone repels and kills ticks, mosquitos, and mites
Working in the woods is not what it use to be. Mosquitos and biting mites have always been annoying. Now ticks have been found to carry Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, either one of which is sure to spoil your day. A good line of defense against these critters is to spray your work clothes with Permanone. Permanone repels and kills ticks, mosquitos, and mites, getting rid of them before they can climb down your neck or into your sock.

And it remains effective up to 2 weeks. But remember, Permanon is only for treating clothing. Don't be spraying this stuff on your skin. Use Bug Barrier for skin and applications.

61701 Permanone Tick Repellent - 6 oz

ARI, P.O. Box 510, Orchard Hill, GA 30288. Tel: 770-227-8222; Fax: 770-227-9190.