Pipe Marking Software
These Windows-based programs offer immediate access to more than 500 pre-defined markers, tags and small labels covering requirements for general facility, physical plant, pulp and paper plants, chemical plants, manufacturing, laboratories and medical facilities use. All pre-defined markers are available in English, Spanish and bilingual formats.
A summary of compliance information and location principles is conveniently located right in the software. Before printing, an information box pops up automatically to allow users to review how the applicable standards relate to the selected marker. The programs offer built in compliance information comparison. The Scheme for the Identification of Pipe Systems, ANSI A13.1-1981, is the recognized standard for the identification of piping systems. The regulations were designed to standardize the identification of all materials conveyed through piping systems in order to make a facility safer and more efficient place in which to work. All of these pipe markers comply with ANSI A13.1-1981 recommendations for size of legend letters, color combinations and marker placement.
K-SUN Corporation, 370 Smc Dr., P.O. Box 309, Somerset, WI 54025-0309. Tel: 715-247-4440; Fax: 715-247-4003.