Quicklink Reward Pen
- what managers are rewarding people for and
- which managers arelare not using recognition
- who your most outstanding employees are
- track safe/unsafe behavior
- and more!
A manager sees an employee doing a great job at Teamwork. He walks up and offers SINCERE, WARM, IMMEDIATE verbal praise in front of the peers. He asks the employee for their WOW! Achievement Card (which can be part of the Employee ID Badge).
In less than a minute, he scans the QuickPen across the badge and records the Employee Id Number, Type of Achievement (e.g. Safety, Teamwork, Customer Service, etc.) and also awards the employee electronic Star Points (good for gifts from an Award Catalog).
The data is uplinked to a central database quickly and easily every 2 weeks. Upper management can now measure .....
- Each manager and whether or not they are recognizing employees
- Each employee and when and where they are outstanding
A manager or a Safety Committee member carries the QuickPen in their pocket during inspections.
They observe unsafe acts and can record these in less than a minute on the QuickPen, creating a record showing Department, Employee Name, type of unsafe act and dayltime.
They observe SAFE acts and go to the employee and deliver WARM VERBAL praise, and scan the employee's WOW! Card (which can be part of the Employee ID Badge).
In less than a minute, he scans the QuickPen across the badge and records the Employee Id Number, Type of Achievement (e.g. Safety, Teamwork, Customer Service, etc.) and also awards the employee electronic Star Points (good for gifts from an Award Catalog).
The data is uplinked to a central database quickly and easily every 2 weeks. Upper management can now measure .....
- Type of Unsafe Acts and Safe Acts Sorted by Department, time, etc.
- Each employee and when and where they are safe & unsafe
The Bill Sims Company, Inc., 102 Lake Vista, PO Box 21008, Columbia, SC 29210. Tel: 800-690-1860; Fax: 803-345-0315.