Rebar Protection
Source: American Allsafe Co.
The Buffalo BarGard is a protective cover for exposed ends of concrete reinforcing bars (rebar) that meets the
American Allsafe Co. BarGard is a protective cover for exposed ends of concrete reinforcing bars (rebar) that meets the requirements of Cal OHSA Construction Safety Orders Section 1712 in impalement protection from concrete reinforcing bars. It has a low-density polyethylene cover, and is 4-in. x 4-in. injection molded in place and permanently sealed, with no exposed steel. As a consequence, it inhibits corrosion and deterioration of the metal insert while protecting it from the elements.
<%=company%>, 99 Wales Ave., Tonawanda, NY 14150. Tel: 800-231-1332; Fax: 800-730-5001
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