Regulatory Services
Source: ChemADVISOR, Inc.
Regulatory Services for this company include International Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and label preparation,
Regulatory Services for this company include International Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and label preparation, MSDS and label revisions, hazard evaluations and rating system development, regulatory consulting and training, and domestic and international transportation classification.
They prepare MSDSs in compliance with OSHA and international regulations. Using a specialized MSDS generating software (ChemSDS+) and an interactive regulatory database (LOLI), they write thousands of MSDSs a year. In addition to MSDS preparation, they can prepare product labels to meet international labeling requirements. They maintain MSDSs and labels to keep products updated with current regulations and scientific literature. They also perform primary literature searches in house where they have access to regulatory and scientific databases.
ChemADVISOR, Inc., 750 William Pitt Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15238. Tel: 412-826-3750; Fax: 412-826-3753.
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