
Supervisor's Guide To Ergonomics

Source: Clement Communications, Inc.
Get ready now for the new OSHA Ergonomics regulations
While the OSHA regulations have been repealed, the ergonomics issue remains a pressing concern in the workplace.

Dealing with ergonomics issues still makes sense. Repetitive motion injuries affect over 460,000 employees each year. Employers pay an estimated $15-18 billion a year just in workers' compensation costs. That's not including the lost work time and other costs.

Avoid these injuries. Educate and build awareness with The Supervisor's Guide To Ergonomics.

Our newsletter is the perfect way to inform your managers and supervisors on the top issues. It's designed to build ergonomic awareness in offices and manufacturing, service and wholesale facilities.

Although the ergonomics standards are repealed, OSHA is expected to use the General Duty Clause more aggressively than in the past – until a new ergonomics standard is implemented.

This lively, biweekly, six-page newsletter was created to:

Help you reduce the likelihood that you will be cited for non-compliance of the General Duty Clause – and pay large fines.

Lessen the possibility that you'll be the target of a costly ergonomics-related lawsuit.

Cut down on ergonomics injuries and lost workdays that can be incurred by such everyday activites as typing letters, and operating a computer mouse.

Add to tangible evidence, available when OSHA comes calling, that your company is focusing on ergonomics issues

Inexpensively sensitize all your supervisors to ergonomics issues by exposing them to facts and horror stories.

Clement Communications, Inc., 10 La Crue Ave, Concordville, PA 19331. Tel: 610-459-1700; Fax: 800-459-1933.