Video Test
Authoring Tests
Authoring of tests is performed in Video Test Author by dragging pre-defined test page templates from a sidebar and dropping them into the desired position in a list. Video, image and audio files are then selected for use in each question. Text can be typed or pasted from other documents.
Taking a Test
To take a Video Test, the user starts Video Test Viewer and selects a test from a list. After viewing the test cover sheet, the user goes to the test and clicks on desired answers. Video and images in questions and answers can be displayed full screen, and text fields scroll. Test results are immediately displayed and stored in the Tracker database. Missed questions are easily found for review by question.
Video Test Tracker provides reports by test and by user. Reports by test provide statistics for the test, and for each question in the test. This is useful for identifying areas of the training that need to be improved, and also provides insight into problems with test questions. Reporting by user lists test results by test, and detailed results for an individual test taken.
Video Test benefits include reduced testing time and expense, improved on-demand access to tests, reduced test administration, improved testing for procedural training, reduced test development time, and improved evaluation of training and tests through analysis of test results data.
FRAX Incorporated, 1933 O''Toole Ave., Suite A106, San Jose, CA 95131. Tel: 408-321-0970; Fax: 408-321-0975.