News | June 10, 2024

Working Time Traffic Light Model Improved Working Times And Occupational Safety In The Social Welfare And Health Care Sector

There is also new and internationally significant information on the beneficial effects of shift ergonomics. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health has updated the national recommendations for shift ergonomics and prepared a free occupational accident risk calculator to be used as part of risk assessment in period-based work. New methods can promote occupational safety and well-being at work in the social welfare and health care sector.\ Finnish Institute of Occupational Health media release 7 June 2024

An extensive research project examined the effects that the Working Time Traffic Light Model developed by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health for use in shift planning software, the new Working Hours Act that came into force in 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic had on working times and health in the social welfare and health care sector.

The Working Time Traffic Light Model by the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health has been used in the planning of shift work in the social welfare and health care sector since 2015. The study data was based on the “Sote-työajat” cohort 2008–2022 and included data on working times, sickness absences, occupational accidents and well-being at work.

The data included at most more than 80,000 employees in various sub-studies.

The project promoted good shift ergonomics in the social welfare and health care sector
The use of the traffic light recommendations was associated with better shift ergonomics, a lower risk of occupational accidents and slightly lower psychological stress.

The traffic light recommendations were regularly used by one in five shift planners. The new Working Hours Act reduced the prevalence of short shifts, which lead to decreased growth in the number of sickness absences. The COVID-19 pandemic did not significantly affect working times.

The recommendations of the working time traffic light model are well known, but their use is only partially established. Only on in five shift planners used the recommendations. The project promoted the use of good shift ergonomics in the social welfare and health care sector, and the studygroup recommends that the traffic light recommendations be utilised in the sector more extensively than currently.

The traffic light model meets challenges of irregular shift work
Irregular shift work poses risks to health and safety. During the study, the challenging conditions were exacerbated by the pandemic.

The study highlighted the importance of good shift ergonomics and confirmed that systematic and knowledge-based planning is key to maintaining a healthy and safe work environment.

The results of the study are widely applicable to different workplaces and can be used to promote well-being at work throughout the social welfare and health care sector.

The Finnish Work Environment Fund has contributed to the financing of the project.

Source: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health