Personal DataRAM Series
The pDR Series of nephelometers provide a wide measurement range and unsurpassed precision in a portable, light-weight, user-friendly package for either active or passive sampling. The world's smallest and most versatile direct-reading, personal, aerosol monitors were designed to provide accurate, real-time measurement of airborne particulate concentrations for numerous applications.
EVM Series Environmental Monitoring
The 3M™ EVM Series monitors both particulates and air quality in one compact instrument. This durable, easy-to-use model provides simultaneous worksite area monitoring.
Verifier Speech Intelligibility Instrument
What good is an announcement over a mass communications system if you can’t understand the message? Voice alarm systems play an important role in alerting occupants and the clarity of that message can contribute to safe evacuation procedures.
Verifier Speech Intelligibility Instrument
The Verifier is a special type of sound level meter which offers simplified methodology for measurement of Speech Transmission Index-Public Address (STI-PA), to ensure voice actuated fire alarms, mass communications and PA systems are clearly heard and understood in an emergency.
Datasheet: StopFall Pole Climbing/Positioning And Fall Restraint System
The Miller StopFall System features a rugged pole strap constructed of nylon safety strapping with a non-slip rubber belting interior and a polyester webbing security strap with rubber belting and unique gaffs that “Bite” into wood poles, whether dry, wet, conduit or ice covered. The StopFall System easily adjusts to fit poles with a 25- to 50-inch (635 to 1270mm) circumference.
StopFall Pole Climbing/Positioning And Fall Restraint System
The Miller StopFall System features a rugged pole strap, constructed of nylon safety strapping with a non-slip rubber belting interior, and a polyester webbing security strap with rubber belting and unique gaffs that “bite” into wood poles — whether dry, wet, conduit or ice covered.
White Paper: Training Your Employees In EPA Refrigerant Compliance And Safety
In the United States, the EPA cites environmental preservation as the reason for the high degree of regulation in the air conditioning industry.
EVM Series Environmental Monitoring
Quest Technologies, a 3M company, is pleased to introduce the EVM-7, a rugged and easy to use environmental monitor which combines several instruments into one.
Series 9000 NMHC Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Analyzer
The Baseline® Series 9000 NMHC is a specialized member of the extraordinary Series 9000 family of gas analyzers. The Series 9000 is the candidate of choice whenever accurate, reliable total, Methane, and NonMethane analysis is required. The Series 9000 analyzer provides unparalleled flexibility and offers continuous, fully automated gas analysis over a broad range of concentrations.
PetroAlert® Model 8900 - Gas Chromatograph
The PetroAlert® Model 8900 Gas Chromatograph combines the selectivity of gas chromatography with the sensitivity, broad dynamic range, and hydrocarbon selectivity of a flame ionization detector (FID) providing fast analysis of C1-C5 hydrocarbons required in Mud Logging for oil and gas exploration.